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OCO Infocomm IT support



Prevention has always been known to be better than cure. OCO InfoComm offers comprehensive proactive IT support packages that are based on a combination of the best IT systems and practices along with quality standards, to ensure a secure and stable IT environment for all our clients.

Through our low monthly fixed fee, organisations can save as much as 75% in IT recovery costs with reliable solutions that can be provided at a more efficient capacity.

OCO Infocomm IT support proactive support

Proactive support

Our proactive IT support contract ensures that customers have as little downtime as possible by managing issues before they escalate into problems. By monitoring the performance and status of our networks and providing preventative maintenance, we can identify and prevent issues at an early stage.

OCO Infocomm IT support responsive


At present 97% of our help desk calls are resolved using our remote support software, thus negating the need for an onsite engineer; this drastically reducing response durations. Should the problem require an onsite visit, we offer a 4-hour response service. We take an average of 3 days to service companies.

OCO Infocomm IT support experienced IT team

Experienced IT team

Our network support services are designed for clients with or without internal IT staff. We provide a range of IT support packages that offer great value technical expertise. With no on-going management supervision needed, there is no need to worry about employee benefits or salary increment, and we still cost less than running an internal IT department.

OCO Infocomm IT support single contact point

Single contact point

Having your IT support provided by one business partner is a great advantage – there’s just one point of contact and we will get your problem fixed. With OCO, we take immediately responsibility for your IT system. This gives you efficient, quick and cost-effective IT support; and most importantly, complete peace of mind.

Managed Service Price Plans

Transparent Pricing, Fixed OPEX Model, Enterprise-class Services and Features


OCO Infocomm address

11 Tampines Street 92
Main Building
Tampines Biz-Hub
Singapore 528872

+65 6804 9700

OCO InfoComm

OCO Infocomm contact
OCO Infocomm email
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OCO Infocomm


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